I put my Cowboy Bear that I modeled into a completed animated short film. I edited the timing of the shots in Aftereffects and included an introductory title segment and ending credits. I added music and sound effects. I chose the music and sound effects from www.freesfx.co.uk
I was provided a scene with a light source and grid plane. I was then provided with files where I could import items such as the train and tracks, horses and carts, the clock tower and accessories lying around town. I was also provided a prebuilt handgun. I built more accessories for the Bear to fit the scene such as a gun holster, boots, belt and a badge.
I animated all of the camera angles & movements. I keyframed the visibility of the gun as he drew it out of the holster and I animated the horses and the Cowboy Bear's movements.
Below are several short videos showing proficiency in different Maya skills. I did all of the modeling first, then applied animation skills from within the Maya software program.

Maya animation produced using Type Dynamics

Maya animation produced using a Mash Network with Dynamics and Dynamic Constraints

Maya animation produced using Deform with 3D Text

Maya animation produced using Bullet Physics

Maya animation breaking an object using Bullet Physics

Maya animation of a bouncing ball using a rig (rig did not have squash and stretch)
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